Who We Are
Located in the heart of southern Chile, we are responsible for 8% of the total national production of Chile’s milk. We estimate that we will generate more than 175 million liters of milk by the end of this season alone.
As experts in sustainable milk production, we operate with a socio-environmental management model that is focused on our employees, ecosystem, and local communities.
Our Spirit
At Manuka, our vision and commitment is to generate shared value through the production of natural and sustainable milk.
Our mission is to provide opportunities to the people of Southern Chile by improving and professionalizing the national dairy industry.
We do this through the implementation of the New Zealand permanent pastures model.
Our History
Manuka was established in 2005, inspired by the New Zealand model of permanent pastures. Southern Chile is the perfect location for dairy production and ryegrass growth. At Manuka we develop unique quality standards based on our commitment to sustainability, our communities, and our natural environment, becoming a national benchmark in Chile.

2 dairy farms

3.100.000 liters

1.000 cows

10 employees

59 dairy farms

175.000.000 liters

63.857 Animals

870 employees

59 dairy farms

191.000.000 liters

63.857 Animals

857 employees
“It is great to work for a company that is aware of the importance of measuring and reducing its socio-environmental impacts. This is reflected in the constant improvements that Manuka puts in place, such as the gradual conversion to clean energy, reusing water, building our sustainable knowledge, and the implementation of recycling stations and waste control, among other policies that are added every year”.
Constanza Nitrigual, Head of Quality Department.
“It is great to work for a company that is aware of the importance of measuring and reducing its socio-environmental impacts. This is reflected in the constant improvements that Manuka puts in place, such as the gradual conversion to clean energy, reusing water, building our sustainable knowledge, and the implementation of recycling stations and waste control, among other policies that are added every year”.
Constanza Nitrigual, Head of the Environmental Department.
“I am grateful to have developed a career plan at Manuka. I started managing a calf center, and became Manuka’s first female dairy farm manager seven years ago. Now I am supervising three dairy farms, which makes me very proud. I like that Manuka encourages the hiring of women, because we are given very few opportunities in this industry or we are seen as the weaker sex. As a matter of fact, we are very meticulous and very responsible!”.
Andrea Contreras, Production Supervisor.
“Manuka is a company concerned about its impact, and works continuously to improve its policies and action plan to build profound relationships with its communities. It is a company that thrives and moves forward together with its people and that has the responsibility of having a positive impact on its social and environmental surroundings”.
Tomás Grau, Human Resources and Corporate Affairs Manager.
“Manuka values the effort and work of everyone on the team. They provide the tools and opportunities for us to grow as people and as professionals. I was able to do a professional internship at Manuka and had the opportunity to go to New Zealand for a year to continue learning and improving myself, which was one of the greatest achievements of my life”.
Exequiel Ramírez, Farm Manager.
“Manuka values the effort and work of everyone on the team. They provide the tools and opportunities for us to grow as people and as professionals. I was able to do a professional internship at Manuka and had the opportunity to go to New Zealand for a year to continue learning and improving myself, which was one of the greatest achievements of my life”.
Exequiel Ramírez, Administrator of the Management Center.
“Manuka is a company concerned about its impact, and works continuously to improve its policies and action plan to build profound relationships with its communities. It is a company that thrives and moves forward together with its people and that has the responsibility of having a positive impact on its social and environmental surroundings”.
Tomás Grau, Human Resources and Corporate Affairs Manager.
Emporio Manuka (Manuka Store)
This initiative was established as a benefit for employees and our community, so that Manuka workers could take the results of their daily work home with them and share it at their table with their families.
Local consumers also loved the first Manuka Store we opened in 2018. Our Chanquito Manuka and El Mantecoso Laguna Bonita premium cheeses, were particularly popular as both artisan products were created thanks to the work of everyone in the company.
Our store is located in Hacienda Coihueco, at kilometer 30 of the route that connects Puerto Octay with Osorno. It is open to all customers and offers cheese produced with milk from cows that are 90% grass-fed.
Open hours: Tuesday to Friday from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Email Contact: emporio@manuka.cl
“The Emporium brings together the local community around what we are most passionate about: country life and nature. The store provides the opportunity for our cheeses to reach the homes of hundreds of workers and neighbors, who today come from even nearby cities such as Osorno and Frutillar, seeking to bring a piece of this traditional country flavor to their families. We invite you to come and talk with us, to learn more about what we do”.
Irene Oliva, Sales Manager at Emporio Manuka