Our Policies

At Manuka we have set ourselves the goal of being the leading company in the production of sustainable milk involving environmental, social and economic aspects, for which the company is committed to complying with the environmental regulations and legislation applicable to its activities.

Download Our Policies

Crime Prevention Model

This crime prevention model has been established in accordance with the provisions of Law 20,393. It seeks to implement a form of corporate organization that prevents the commission of the crimes provided in that regulation, as well as others, by any worker or executive of the company.

Anti-Corruption Policy

The company has implemented this Anti-corruption Policy to provide guidelines for all the employees of Toromiro to conduct pursuant to these principles and according to what the company expects and requires from its employees in their relationships with third parties, business partners, their coworkers, and particularly, public officers.

Code of Ethics

All ethical principles and conducts contained in this Code shall be considered a behavior guideline for all those who happen to carry out any tasks of any kind in or for Toromiro S.A., including the members of the Board of Directors, chief executives, employees, and everyone rendering services to our Company.

Environmental Policy

Manuka is aimed at being the sustainable dairy farming leader encompassing environmental, social, and economic aspects in our activities. The company’s natural resources will be responsibly and consistently managed in accordance with our company’s mission and values.

Suppliers Managment Policy

Suppliers and service providers’ policy is intended to improve the production position and the relationship of TOROMIRO S.A. with its closest surrounding circle. In this Code, the Company has summarized the basic ethical principles and values the suppliers, contractors, subcontractors, and third parties in connection with the company should frame their business conducts